Friday, August 15, 2008

What a Week!

Conan's wonderful sister, Chevon and Dad are coming in to town next week. Since my mom was just in town last week, I thought little Christopher and I would just have a quiet few days to catch up on some housework for me, and maybe a little eating, napping... and more eating for him. Boy was I wrong!
We started the week out with some postnatal yoga. Christopher and I tried it when he was 4 weeks old, and he hated it. After the first five minutes of him crying and ruining everyone else's yoga experience we left. I thought that maybe he just wasn't a yoga baby, but we decided to give it one more shot. He was so good!! I couldn't believe it, but I think he actually enjoyed it. The teacher was so nice, and actually from Austin. It was great to talk about Austin-y things again, and she told me about a place here whose pancakes beat Kerbey Lane's (we'll see). Little guy was so cute in yoga. We put the babies right underneath us for some of the poses and on our bellies for others. He looked very Zen (or just super confused). We're going to try it again next week, because Mom loved being able to do yoga again.
On Wednesday he had his 8 week pediatrician visit. He gained a little more than 1#, so now he's 12# and 13 oz. This time I was closer. I guessed he would be 13# and Dad guessed 15# (we didn't know what to expect after that last visit!). He's just above the 75% for weight and she measured him at 22 1/2". Christopher loves to curl up into a little ball when they try to do height, so Conan and I measured him at home and got him to do straight legs. We measured him at 23 and 3/4", which I think might be a little more accurate (that's just a little bit more than how long Conan was when he was born!). Christopher had to get his first big round of shots at this visit. Luckily, they combined three of the vaccines in one, so it was just two pokes and an oral vaccine for the rotavirus. Dr. Julie did amazing with the oral one. She actually got him to swallow the whole thing, unlike Mom's attempts at the vitamins she's supposed to give him everyday. He cried a little after both of the shots, not as much as I thought he would, though. The worst part was the rest of the day afterwards. The vaccines made him feel so bad that he just cried any time he wasn't sleeping. He wouldn't sleep unless he was being held, so we had a lot of Mom and Chris time that day- I just felt so bad for him. But, after a very long night he felt great the next day. 

Yesterday it was supposed to rain, so Chris and I were going to just go across the street to the market to get a few things for dinner and come home. Once we got outside it was gorgeous, so I thought we'd go a little farther to the Walgreens so we could get a little exercise. Once we got there and still no rain, I thought we'd go check out the Trader Joe's. Needless to say, we kept going and got all the way down to the Baby's R Us at Union Square. It's so nice, because they have a room where mom's can go and nurse and clean changing stations. I'm a big fan. I also picked up a new toy- the carrier in one of the pictures. I love it! I can carry him around while I'm doing everything. I think he's starting to get used to the constant Mom time, we'll see. There are a couple of drawbacks. One is that when he is that close to me he wants to eat, even if he just got done. Along with that, I now have a drool mark right where is face is at all times. Oh the joys of being a mom : ). I think those things will get better when he's big enough to face the outside. The Trader Joe's was awesome! The produce was great and the prices were way better than the smelly grocery stores over by me. It was a little too crowded for my massive stroller, but we will for sure be visiting it again. 

This has been such a great week. The best part has been that we can now make our little guy smile. When you make silly sounds or talk in a tone he likes he gives a big grin. It has been so fun to see those happy faces. It's my new favorite part of being a mom (and the 6 hours straight of sleep I got last night was nice too!). 


Mary said...

I'm so glad to hear ya'll are having such a great experience. Good for you doing post natal yoga already, that's awesome! Christopher is getting cuter in all of the pictures. I think you've inspired me to create a blog for Noah to share with our friends and family. I think it's great idea, b/c I'm having such a hard time writing stuff down, this is a easier and fun. Can't wait for more blogs and pics! Take care.

Lisa in Texas said...

I just realized you had a blog and I love it! What great pictures : ) Keep writing , it's great to feel not-so-far away for all the fun stuff you've been doing. I still can't wait to come up there!