My mom was in town last week and we had a great time learning about our new city. We were busy, busy all week. On Monday we went over to Union Square. I was happy to find out it was walkable and they have "normal" stores. We went to the Baby's R Us and got pictures of Christopher taken. He was so cute. The lady taking the pictures made every sound you can imagine- kisses, clicks, taps- and somehow made him look like he was enjoying sitting in a baby wicker chair or propped on a carpet block with a teddy bear in his hand. Union Square also has a huge Farmer's Market that will be fun to go get produce from. We ate at Whole Foods, so it kind of felt Austin-y for a little bit.
Tuesday we went shopping again. I finally got shower rings, so I was thrilled (we've been using shoe laces since the move). It was supposed to rain on Wednesday, so we stayed close to home and ate
brunch at Petite Albeibe- a cute little Belgian restaurant.
Thursday we decided to go on an adventure to Midtown. We took a cab down there and went to the Today show. All of the big hosts were in China for the Olympics, but
one of the other hosts who is pregnant oogled over Christopher. It was so neat to see the taping. After that we head over to Central Park so I could feed Christopher (that's why Conan made me take the picture
to the half topless statue- it's how I look half the time in this city with my little guy who needs to eat every 2 hours :) ). We ate hot dogs in the park, and then Christopher decided we were done, so he and I took a cab home. It was officially our last cab ride for a very long time. I've never heard him
scream so loud. I think the cab driver thought he'd get a little extra money out of us by driving down the traffic in Times Square- boy did we show him. I hope we didn't totally blow out his ear drums.
Friday we walked over to see Sarah. We got to see the East and West village. Sarah's about to leave for Africa, so I was glad to get to see her before her trip. Conan didn't have to work on Saturday, so we had a fun trip downtown. Since we're not doing cabs anymore we decided to try the subway one more time. It wasn't as bad as the last
subway trip. Conan's
tall enough that he threw the stroller over the turnstile this time- I'm sure we were quite the sight. Once w
e got downtown we saw Trinity church- which was amazing, W
all Street, and the World Trade Center site. We were walking in battery park and saw the ocean, and then... the statue of liberty out ther
e! I wasn't expecting it, so it was a very nice surprise.
I'm such the tourist right now. That night we ate at Papaya dog. It was on Throw Down with
Bobby Flay and so go
od. We had a great week and I'm feeling more like a New Yorker every day.
I got a shout out. Awesome! See ya when I get back.
I'm excited I made your blog! It's fun reading about our week together and reliving the good times we had. I can't wait to plan another trip! We'll talk to you soon.
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