Saturday, April 2, 2011

Yankees Game!

We all went to our first Yankees game today. We took the subway to the Bronx, which Chris loved. The new stadium is amazing. We got a great view of it from the highest section : ). I will say, the fans up there are very entertaining. Conan and I were a little concerned what new words Chris might have picked up from our new friends. The Yankees ended up winning and Chris lasted a full 7 innings without asking to go home (the peanuts, corn dog, and Cracker Jacks may have helped with that one).

Yankees Stadium! We were so lucky to get a gorgeous day.

The boys.

Opening Week. We didn't mean to get tickets this early. I just didn't want to be the lady who had her baby at a Yankees game, so we opted for the first Saturday game they had.

Family shot.

We went to the Yankees Museum in the stadium before we left. Here's a picture of us with our personalized locker.

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