Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ten Reasons You Know You're the Second Born

10. You only have two toys of your own, and they've both been confiscated by big brother.
9. No big, comfy chair for nursing, it's on the floor, while playing trains while you eat.
8. You're probably going to start answering to Baby Brother instead of Bryce.
7. Your mom isn't constantly on the phone with the pediatrician.
6. You can expect a finger in your ear at least once during dinner from the big kid in the booster seat next to you.
5. You get "talk" yelled in your face after your big brother was told if he wants you to speak he's going to have to teach you how.
4. Your first hat from the hospital is completely unraveled because big brother has taken it off your head and put it on his own so many times.
3. No classical music to help with brain development. It's Elvis. All day, every day.
2. You don't get your temperature checked every time you whimper.
1. You were born with a best friend.

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