Monday, June 28, 2010

Yay Chris!!

So probably too much information for most of you, but I don't have any where else to write dates like this down, and this is pretty important...
Chris went pee pee in the potty yesterday!
Let the potty training begin! Any tips from seasoned Mamas would be greatly appreciated : ).
(No pictures on this post for obvious reasons.)


Mary said...

yay Christopher! I heard you're supposed to pursue their "window of interest" to get the maximum benefit. Noah was on a role until Isaac was born; now he's back on the right track. haha! Good luck! (and he never liked the little potty we bought him) he liked to sit on the little Elmo seat that sits on top of the big potty. They are all different. We rewarded Noah with stickers, he loved them. Isn't it a proud parent moment though?!

Bizibit said...

ummm....pull-ups are just overpriced diapers....get him training underwear so he can actually feel when he is wet