Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Abby, Moll, JT

We have the best neighbors on our hall. One family has two little girls, and another has a 6 year old little boy. Chris plays ball, or whatever toys everyone chooses to bring out, almost every night out in the hall. I think this is his favorite thing in the whole world. He asks me about "Abby, Moll, JT" all day long.

This hall playing may seem strange to non- New Yorkers, but it's kind of like having the kids all play in the driveway in a normal city. We just have to worry about elevator doors opening and shutting instead of traffic. At any rate, our neighbor, Molly, asked Chris to her three year birthday party. Here he is all dressed up.

They had craft projects that were super cute. All of the kids had a great time.
And, cupcakes. I think he's starting to get over his fear!

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