Okay, just a few pictures from our Texas trip left (I wrote that before I actually downloaded the pictures- correction- a TON of pictures left). A certain someone is having Birthday Eve today, so I want to catch up on my blogging!
Before we left for Austin, we stopped to see my Grandpa again on our way out. Did I mention how much fun Chris had on that piano? I'm sure the other residents were thrilled.
We were all a little unsure how Chris would do in a car seat all of the way to Austin. He decided to put all of his stickers on himself. That took up about 5 minutes, only 2 hours and 55 minutes to go!
We met Lisa for lunch at the Hobbit Cafe on our way out of Houston. It was so nice to get to spend time with her.
It took about 5 minutes in the car after lunch and he was out, whew! You like how he insisted on holding the map? Better him than me : ).

We had a few minutes once we got to Austin before we met up with the Trovalls, so we stopped at a Walmart (that was our 4th trip in about 3 days). Conan needed to get a fishing license, and Christopher needed to ride on Daddy's shoulders and buy an orange ball. I completely forgot to take pictures there, but we ate some amazing Mexican food with the Trovalls and Bonnie. So great to catch up with everyone! (Bonnie, I need you to come to NYC asap, so I can make up for lost picture taking!)

We stayed with Lauren for the first couple of nights we were in town. She was so brave to let us in her new house with a 2 year old. It was nice to be able to stay up after we put the LG down and chat with her, unlike in hotels where you have to be quiet as a mouse because the whole fam is sharing a room. Thanks Lauren! Again, I can't believe I didn't get one picture of Chris with Lauren. Geez, bad blogger!
We met up with Mary, Matt, Noah and Isaac at the Domain one evening (our former stomping ground!). It's expanded a ton since we moved. There are double the stores, water fountains for the kids, and a... TURTLE. Noah and Chris had so much fun!
Family shot + turtle.The fountains. Chris didn't waste any time getting completely soaked.

After that (and a trip home for some new clothes), we met up for dinner with Lauren for dinner at Pluckers. It was oh so good. Christopher was more than excited to try a corn dog.

Here's a picture of us before the rehearsal dinner. Chris did great hanging with Ga Ga and Bob (he renamed my parents with words he can actually say). This was one of the first times we've left him to go out.

We decided I would take him to Tim's wedding. Kristi's wedding was right after the ceremony, so I wasn't going to be able to go the ceremony. Here's the one picture I got- you can kind of see Conan's head. Weddings are a little difficult with a toddler. He was pretty good until Dad came out, and then he really wanted to yell Daddy throughout the wedding.

So we decided to check out the outside of the church. After Tim's wedding, I thought it would be a great idea to take him to Kristi's wedding. She is his Godmother : ). Kristi's wedding was in her gorgeous backyard, that has a little stream running through it, that Christopher thought would be amazing to play in. So, we didn't last long there either. I took him to the front during the reception and he managed to step into a little pond in the front yard. We both ended up soaked, and I decided it was time for Chris to go hang with Ga Ga and Bob. My parents were nice enough to take him to dinner, so I could spend some time at the wedding. Kristi looked gorgeous, and besides a sopping wet two year old there, the wedding was perfect : ). No pictures of that one, for obvious reasons.

Our last day there was Mother's day and my mom's birthday.
We went for breakfast at Hickory Street, right down the street from our hotel. He totally picked this shirt out all by himself .
Here he is with the Grandparents.

Being silly with Mom.

Chris and Ga Ga.

Family shot before we had to leave (on our plane that was delayed 5 hours!)
Here's Christopher after we got back to NYC. You could tell he missed TX, he was trying to walk around in my new cowboy boots (awesome Mother's Day present from my guys).