We went to Hancock, NY with
Rachel and Jason at the beginning of October. We knew it was in the Catskills, but we weren't paying a lot of attention to where it was until we started seeing sites on our drive that looked very familiar. It was about 30 minutes from
Rye, where we went last spring. The leaves were gorgeous. It must have been one of the prettiest fall weekends of the year. It made our drive there and back lovely (that and the fact that the LG slept almost the whole time).
We had a great time. The boys got in lots of fishing and we did very "fall" activities. Here's Rachel and Jason with Christopher at the orchard where we tried to pick apples (no such luck, they closed early). We did get some delicious cider and took a peck of apples home...

To make apple pie! It was oh so good. Rachel made the best butter pie crust I've ever had. We had a slight incident with, you know the oven catching fire, but it was still so good. Jason is posing with the foil that he took out of the oven that was literally in flames. He saved us (and the pie)!

Here's the LG playing with Dad. Don't those trees look like they should be on a postcard?

Family shot.

Mom and Chris + gorgeous background.

Running in nature. Doesn't happen very often in Manhattan.

Rachel, Christopher, Rudy and I went to an Oktoberfest while the boys fished on Saturday. We ate some great food and enjoyed the nearby town.

Christopher got his face painted while we were there. I didn't think there was any way he would sit still for it, but he was almost asleep by the time it was done. Maybe I'll have to add face painting as part of his bedtime routine. It smeared before I could get a pic, but here's his pumpkin.

We also took him to his first garage sale. Dad was thrilled. Christopher is going to be so excited when he gets to hang out with the boys instead of us. Last year when Rachel was here we made him go get
cupcakes with us while the guys fished. At least he was in camo.
Christopher was a little nervous about Rudy at the beginning of the trip, but by the end he really warmed up to him. He thought it was hilarious when Rudy licked him. Hey Chris, "How big is Rudy?".
So Big!