Friday, July 24, 2009

What we've been up to

We've had a great month. We were so lucky to have my mom and Conan's parents in town for Christopher's birthday party. 

Conan's birthday was the same as his first father's day. It was so nice that he got to spend it with his dad too. Three generations of Crums!

For my birthday my mom took me to Friend of a Farmer for brunch. It was great. Here's the LG in action there, giving me a hug. Love him!

Opening presents. My mom babysat and Conan took me shopping at Saks that evening. Very New York : ). 

Anne came to see us between her trip to Jamaica and going back to her residency. Christopher had a blast with her.   

We went to an art class with some of Christopher's friends. He was a little afraid of the play-doh, but warmed up to the painting. They promised that the paint was safe for the kids. I hope so, because Christopher's favorite thing to paint was his face. 

We met up with our TX friends, Michelle, Rob, and Max at Dinosaur's Barbecue. Every time we talk about barbecue here everyone always tells us to go to Dinosaur's. It's quite a trek, all the way in Harlem, but it was definitely worth it. We still talk about how good it was. Christopher loved it too. Our little vegetarian baby ate every kind of meat we gave him!

Last week Lisa was here before her Tibet trip. It was great seeing her. She knew all of the fun games that cracked Christopher up. We all went to the history museum together. 

Here are Conan, Christopher, and the bear. Grrrr...

Christopher also had his first trip to the pool. His friend, Delaney (and her mom) invited us to their summer home. It was gorgeous. The LG loved the pool! He splashed around and had a great time. He almost looks like he's glowing he has so much sunscreen on in this picture. 

Here are all the kiddos chatting after the pool time. 

I promise I'll be better at keeping up in August!

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