Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Moving on up

Christopher "graduated" from baby story time a few weeks ago. He had trouble sitting still for 30 minutes, so we went to toddler story time for the first time yesterday. I think it's more fun for him. They do lots of moving around and more interactive songs. His favorite part was staring at all of the big kids.

While we were there, I decided LG should get his own library card- I mean, he's almost a year old, it's about time. I probably shouldn't have let him play with it. I had a hard time getting it out of his mouth after this picture. 

One book he checked out was Baby Signs. We tried it a few months ago, but he was too little to understand. I think we'll do better with it now. We're going to work on the sign for milk, diaper, fish, and dog. Random, I know.

The other book Christopher checked out was Moo, Baa, La La La. He loves the Going to Bed Book that's also by Sandra Boyton, so I figured he'd like this one too. He's really cute with it, because he just started singing La La La after you sing it. It's probably the current cutest thing he does. This book gives us good singing practice.
I was a big hit with the toddlers. I wore the jacket that Conan got me for Mothers Day. I got pawed by little toddlers the whole time. Wearing about a hundred shiny objects on my back... probably should have seen that one coming. 

1 comment:

Bizibit said...

you should do more and that he can do that instead of just yelling at you :-)