Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day we went to Roscoe for our first overnight trip with Christopher. We had a great time. Christopher hadn't been in a car for a long time, but he did great. He took naps for most of the way there and back. We stayed in a bed and breakfast that was super cute. The people that owned the place were really nice and loved having Christopher there. He made himself right at home, chasing after their dogs and throwing all of their magazines off the coffee table. 

Roscoe is "Trout Town USA" according to their website (who new?). We went to the Mongoup state park and hiked around a little and took turns fishing. Conan caught tons of fish out there. As you can tell, Christopher was thrilled to be out in the middle of the lake next to a flopping fish. Actually, he wasn't too phased by it at all. I think we have a little budding fisherman. Isn't that a good serious face?

There were lots of great places to eat in Roscoe. Here are my guys eating at the "famous" Roscoe Diner. It was delicious. Christopher was a big fan of their zucchini. I liked their massive chocolate brownie cheesecake. Let's hope the LG doesn't develop my taste for food. 

The site where Woodstock was performed was close to Roscoe. It's a really pretty area and they still have concerts there. We got to talk to a guy who was at Woodstock, you know, with his commune. He told us all about how peaceful it was and how there were children roaming around everywhere. Sounds like a great place for kids, right? Yeah, he didn't quite sell us on that, but it was fun to hear his stories and see pictures of all of the craziness. 

They had a museum there, but the description was lots of loud music, videos and lights. We decided the LG didn't need that stimulation before our ride home, but here's a picture of Conan and Christopher in front of it.

Another one of our stops on our way home was the Walmart. I know, I know, but we haven't been to one since we've been here. I think we all had a good time there.  Conan and the LG went to the fishing section. I got lots of crafting supplies (I can not find one craft store in this crazy city!). We got baby gear and then groceries that are too hard to lug around in the stroller around here. I never really appreciated Walmart before, but boy are they convenient. Christopher loved riding around in the cart.

We had such a great time on our first family vacation. Maybe next time we'll even stay gone longer than two nights!

1 comment:

Mary said...

yay! I am so happy you guys had a good va-K and love to keep up with what ya'll are doing. =)