Christopher turned 11 months old on Saturday. To celebrate we went to the fishing store (Maybe that wasn't for him : ). We did get some swinging in at Madison Square Park. They were taping something for Sesame Street there, but I couldn't find Elmo for the LG, so I was a little disappointed.
This past month I think Christopher has really started to figure out what we're saying. He has a walker that sings and says all sorts of phrases. I was watching him and he started clapping right after it said "clap your hands". I figured it had to have been a coincidence. I said it myself and he started clapping again. It's too cute. He thinks it's a command. If he's standing up, he'll sit down so he can get his hands ready and clap. He can also give high five now. He's pretty discerning in the five department, though. You have to do something he really likes to get one.
He's been dancing for a while, I didn't realize what it was. We were at CVS the other day and the song "Are we human, or are we dancer" came on. I looked down and Christopher was doing this little head move side to side in his stroller. I think we all know he is definitely dancer.
In the mornings the LG and I go the door to say bye to Dad when he leaves for work. Christopher has started waving bye as Conan goes out the door. He definitely won't wave to just anyone. Dad always gets a wave, and so does that cute baby when he looks at himself in the mirror.
He's also "talking" way more. He says Da Da and Ma Ma all of the time, but now he can repeat what we say. Sometimes I think I hear him saying real words, like Bye bye this morning. He says lots of Ba Ba's and La La's. I think he says ba for ball and bat too.
LG's teeth on top beside his top two popped out this weekend. It makes me laugh because I had no teeth on my 1st birthday and he already has 6. He is also standing by himself for a few seconds at a time. It's really only when he doesn't realize he's holding on to anything. As soon as he sees he's standing by himself he sits down.
Christopher's also turned into a really great sleeper. He's sleeping through the night consistently (knock on wood) and napping really well. He's even gotten to the point where he doesn't have to be put in bed asleep. We can put him in his crib awake and he'll go to sleep on his own (after having some conversations with himself for awhile). He also took his first bottle of formula yesterday. Hopefully we can time it so he'll be ready for whole milk by his first birthday, but he's pretty used to Mom's milk, so I think it's going to be a challenge. His favorite solid foods are carrots and pasta.
Here are some pictures from our weekend...