I can't believe it's been a whole month since Christopher was born, but I also can't believe we've only known him a month. It seems like he's been a part of our family forever now. Here's a little bit about him...
He's got his Dad's adorable lips and ears. When he came out he looked just like Conan, we had no choice but to name him Jr. He's got my eyes for now (his are much prettier). We think he has my Dad's chin, and the nose is up for debate. He had Conan's hair color at first, but when he's in the sun it looks pretty red to me. He has the longest little baby toes and fingers I've ever seen.
He's such a boy. He does the loudest burps, toots, and grunts. If you weren't looking at him you'd think it's a grown man (but way cuter). He's really strong. He's been holding his head up since day 3. The first night we had him home he nosedived off of the Boppy pillow. He's even rolled over a couple of times. Only when he gets really mad that we've put him on his belly for tummy time. He kicks his legs really hard when he gets upset or overstimulated- he's gotten me in the stomach a couple of times- it hurts. He loves to nuggle up beside you, especially right after he's eaten. We call them his milk comas. He eats so much and all of his extremeties go limp. He eats a lot, pretty much all day long. We're not sure where it all goes.
He loves lights. Whenever he gets upset we just bring him close to one and he stares and stares. I think he'd rather look at a lamp than mom or dad. His favorite songs are "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" and "The Eyes of Texas"- both sung by dad. He loves to go outside. He stops screaming the second we walk out of our apartment (and then usually starts up again as soon as we walk back inside).
We just can't believe how lucky we are to have this little angel. We can't wait to learn more about him. Happy 1 month Christopher!
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