Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Happy 10 Months Audrey!

What an amazing few months we've had with you, sweet girl! The milestones are adding up, but I'll try to catch up on a few. At 9 months exactly, Audrey got her first tooth. We could see the second one sneaking in, but this past week is the first week people are starting to say she has 2 teeth.

She started clapping for the first time when we were in Phoenix. I was sitting on the couch with her, and she figured it out. She hasn't stopped since!

She is an amazing run-crawler now. She started with just the army crawl, and then perfected the regular crawl. Now she goes so fast around the house. Her favorite thing is to be chased by a brother. On Monday she figured out how to go up an entire set of stairs at Chris' Piano teacher's house (I was behind her the whole time of course : ). She can pull up, but only if she really wants something. Most of the time she just balances on her knees.

One of my other favorite things she does is her wave. She just moves her wrist, and it's adorable. 

She's a good little talker. She definitely knows who Mama and Dada are, and likes to say, "Hi Dada", and gets just about anything she wants : ). She calls the boys Dada too, which cracks them up. I can also tell she's starting to figure out other words. Instead of just saying more, she likes to scream mooooo when she needs more. We're definitely seeing a little feisty personality in this one. 

Her sleeping is still horrid, but if you've been reading here for a while you know that's no surprise! Here's one of the few times she has actually slept in her crib : ).

Audrey is just the sweetest, funniest little baby, and we all adore her. We always say she must be one of the most lived babies on the planet, and I hope she can feel it!

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