Friday, February 19, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Audrey pictures
Guys, one day I'm going to organize these posts. They'll all be in order of when they actually happened, and it will be a beautiful baby book (when the kids are all in school? I don't know when this will actually happen). For now, chaos! But, adorable chaos! Here are a lot of pictures of Audrey doing adorable baby faces. These were the end of March to April, so about 3 weeks old to 2 months. Most were before she found her smile, or before I was able to capture them with a camera.
Aunt Heidi made this adorable outfit for her... I'm here!
This face cracks me up!
Big eyes!
Tummy time!
Her umbilical cord stump, right before it fell off. The boys were not fans, and were so happy when she got a belly button!
Looking at Brother.
Fresh air!
Bryce loves her so much!
Look at this outfit! This was back when she let me put her in bows and shoes. Now they're off immediately!

Some serious faces were going around the Crum texts. Audrey and I had to give it a try.
Spelling Bee
Last March, Chris got first place for the first grade at his school spelling bee. He got to go on to the next competition at Mayer Lutheran High School. He competed against first and second graders all over the area and did great. Spelling is definitely one of his gifts! We're so proud of him.
Sleeping baby
Beyond me loving this picture because Audrey is three weeks old and sleeping in my arms, she's wrapped in such a special blanket. There was a mystery of the missing baby blanket that my Grandma had knit years ago. I had a blanket like this for my dolls, and she did this pattern often, with a tag that had her name on it. When the boys were little, we couldn't find it. Right before Audrey was born, my parents found it in a cedar chest. I love that out third baby got something super special of her own from her Great Grandma!
Happy 11 Months!
Audrey changes by the day. It's so fun to watch! She really understands what's going on, and how to get everything she wants. She will whine like no one's business when you get any type of food out. She'll probably throw it on the ground if you actually give it to her though : ). The first day of 11 months she started pulling up all over the place. She is excited to have mastered that skill, it's adorable.
My very favorite thing she does right now is when you pick her up she pats your back, like she's comforting you. I don't know if it's because we do it to her, or if it's innate, but I love it. She also likes to snuggle right in your arm when you hold her. She does it to her teachers at bible study and it's just the sweetest.
She also learned to make this fun sound by moving her hand back and forth across her mouth while talking (kind of like the Indian sound). It cracks Conan up and she knows it. As soon as he walks in the room she does it. It's like their own secret language.
Audrey has lots to say. She talks and talks. I think her main words are Mama, Dada, and mooo (more), but I feel like she knows what we're saying way more now.
She loves to point at things now. She can also sit and listen to a whole book. Before she would want to eat it, or get frustrated with turning pages. I love that I can sit and read to her now!
Audrey's other favorite thing to do is to sit in small spaces : ). She loves to climb in her tub when it doesn't have water in it, and now she likes to sit in the boys little toy containers. The other day a friend was over and the boys were playing bey blades. Audrey scootched over and sat right in the bin they were doing them in. It was pretty hilarious. She makes us laugh all day long!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Audrey and the boys
Our house was definitely chaotic the first few months of having 3 kiddos (ok, let's be real, it's still extremely chaotic), but I wouldn't have it any other way!
A Week with Gaga and Bob!
Gaga and Bob came when Audrey was a week old. They had the job of managing the two crazy big brothers! Here they are making a Rice Krispie snack fro Chris' class. When you have a baby, it feels like life should stop for a while to catch up, but with 2 big boys, it just doesn't. They did a great job of managing these two- spelling bee practice and all!
Here they are with the sweet baby girl! 💕
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Chris had such a good baseball season this year! Here he is on opening day. There was a big parade and his team got to go through and high five all the high school players. He played with all of his friends from school on his team. The Dads of two of his friends were the coaches, Coach Kroll and Coach Rouen. His favorite play of the season was the "hit me in the neck play". He blocked the ball and still made the play (he was fine!). Great job Chris!

Can you Canoe?
We're taking the blog way back here! On May 9th (Happy birthday to Gaga), we took Audrey to her first show at Stages Children's Theatre. It might be my favorite show that we've seen. It was Can you Canoe by the Okie Dokie Brothers. The music was from a CD we've listened to over and over, so we knew all the words. I was nervous about having a two month old there, but she was awesome. She slept and ate through the whole show. The boys were super excited for our day out with baby Audrey!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Happy 10 Months Audrey!
What an amazing few months we've had with you, sweet girl! The milestones are adding up, but I'll try to catch up on a few. At 9 months exactly, Audrey got her first tooth. We could see the second one sneaking in, but this past week is the first week people are starting to say she has 2 teeth.
She started clapping for the first time when we were in Phoenix. I was sitting on the couch with her, and she figured it out. She hasn't stopped since!
She is an amazing run-crawler now. She started with just the army crawl, and then perfected the regular crawl. Now she goes so fast around the house. Her favorite thing is to be chased by a brother. On Monday she figured out how to go up an entire set of stairs at Chris' Piano teacher's house (I was behind her the whole time of course : ). She can pull up, but only if she really wants something. Most of the time she just balances on her knees.
One of my other favorite things she does is her wave. She just moves her wrist, and it's adorable.
She's a good little talker. She definitely knows who Mama and Dada are, and likes to say, "Hi Dada", and gets just about anything she wants : ). She calls the boys Dada too, which cracks them up. I can also tell she's starting to figure out other words. Instead of just saying more, she likes to scream mooooo when she needs more. We're definitely seeing a little feisty personality in this one.
Her sleeping is still horrid, but if you've been reading here for a while you know that's no surprise! Here's one of the few times she has actually slept in her crib : ).
Audrey is just the sweetest, funniest little baby, and we all adore her. We always say she must be one of the most lived babies on the planet, and I hope she can feel it!
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