Friday, July 12, 2013


I have lots and lots of posts to catch up on, but I did want to take a second to say we're still here. Just enjoying summer. No Internet at the house yet, so blogging is a little difficult.

We got a blow up pool for the backyard. In the morning we used the water from outside (well water is freezing!). In the afternoon I brought out buckets of hot water to put in the pool. I think it was a little too relaxing for Chris : ).
There's a beach super close to us (and everyone else in MN-seeing as there are 10,000 lakes). We've had so much fun there!
Playground in the sand!
Cold water!
Bryce loved it!
Chris had his 5 year check up and was a Rockstar. He said it was his favorite visit ever. It helped that he got all the shots they said he needed when he was four, so it was a poke free day. He still got sushi to celebrate! This is our first time at the restaurant that's in our little town. He said it was better than Hane in NY!
Cookie pops!
Bryce exploring our new house a little much. I left the room for about 2 minutes, and when I came back he was in the fireplace.
The boys were so happy to get all of their  toys back. Here they are in their new to them ninja turtle costumes.
Lots more posts to come, but first, more unpacking!

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