Monday, July 15, 2013


Chris woke up early Sunday morning, and Conan (being the Saint that he is), let me sleep in. He took Chris fishing at the lake close by. No pictures from them, because it sounds like they were balancing between rocks to catch fish. Chris caught a fish that was huge on his first cast, and Conan caught a fish that looked just like a pickle (per Chris). I do have a picture of Bryce, seeing as our morning was a little more tame. I put this outfit on him and he looked down and said, "me look so handsome?". No self esteem issues for this kid, right?

1 comment:

Mariko said...

Typical of Conan--catching pickles and all--does Chris have to show him how its done ALL the time? Geez, Bud. And its not a matter of whether Bryce has good self esteem or not, its that he can recognize and speak the truth so clearly. Impressive for a little guy;)