Thursday, August 6, 2009

Maybe We Should Have Given Him a Pacifier?

We only tried a pacifier with Christopher a couple of times when he was really upset (like in the cab on the way here for the first time when we thought the cabby might kick us out because our baby was screaming so loud). He never was a big fan, so we didn't push it. He puts everything in his mouth now. When he wouldn't stop trying to eat the poor little driver of his dump truck's head I rethought our pacifier stance. Maybe a paci would be better than this?

1 comment:

Bizibit said...

even if he had a paci...the toys would go in his's a toddler's why I have to wash all the toys in my room every day with bleach water :-) Heads are fun things to suck are any little piece that sticks out of a toy...