Christopher has a new favorite CD. By favorite, I mean I think he could listen to it on repeat all day long. Elvis! Conan put it in the other day and he started dancing right away. Now any time we open the door to his room we can pretty much guarantee where he's heading. He stands in front of the CD player, points, and dances- that's my cue to turn on the jams! He starts grinning as soon as he hears "Hound Dog". LG, you crack me up!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Christopher got into our closet yesterday and started pointing and saying his usual, "uhh, uhh" (which means get that for me, now). I couldn't help but laugh when I saw he had found a giant version of the toy he used to carry around at all times. A bat! He got so excited and took it with him everywhere the rest of the night. It was too heavy for him to pick up, so he had to drag it all around. Trouble! I think I'm going to have to figure out a better hiding spot for it during nap time today!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Take Me Out to the... Stadium
Chevon and Conan's mom were here over the weekend after Chevy's move to Boston. We had so much fun with them. On Saturday we thought we'd go to a Yankees game, you know, without any tickets. We took the subway up to the Bronx and got to see the new and old stadium. We thought we'd be able to just grab some cheap seats and get in. No such luck. Apparently the cheapest seats available were $350 each. New Yorkers love their Yankees! Needless to say, we looked at the stadium from afar and got some good pictures with it. We'll plan better next time.
It's hard to tell, but this big Yankee is actually a giant bobble head.
On the subway Christopher kept grabbing Conan's hat and putting it on. Why won't he do that with his own hat? We got really excited to see a guy wearing an Astros hat. When we asked him if he was a fan he gave us a strange look and said no, "It's just for fashion". Oops.
Here's a family shot on the subway. I love how we still look like tourists even after we've lived here a full year.
We ended up going to a sports bar across the street. We watched the game and ate crazy expensive potato skins. Christopher showed them by spilling a huge glass of water everywhere. Oh LG!
We were so sad when they had to go, but we already love having Chevy as a fellow East Coaster. We can't wait to see the fam again soon!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Maybe We Should Have Given Him a Pacifier?
We only tried a pacifier with Christopher a couple of times when he was really upset (like in the cab on the way here for the first time when we thought the cabby might kick us out because our baby was screaming so loud). He never was a big fan, so we didn't push it. He puts everything in his mouth now. When he wouldn't stop trying to eat the poor little driver of his dump truck's head I rethought our pacifier stance. Maybe a paci would be better than this?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wa Wa
Since New Yorkers can't have their own pool, or even a yard to put a sprinkler in, almost all of the public parks have water fountains for kids to play in. We let the LG out on his own at the playground last week and followed him around. I had tried to get him to go in the water before, but he was never interested. When he could walk over to the sprinklers himself he got right in. He stood directly underneath them and got soaking wet. The water was freezing and he loved it.
Now every time we go the playground Christopher says wa wa, wa wa. I think we're going to have a wet rest of the summer!

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