Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Audrey at 13 Months

I just love this age! Audrey is so funny right now. She's walking well, but also crawling quite a bit, I'm trying to soak it in, because I know before long the crawling is going to be completely gone. She's so proud of herself when she gets a long string of steps together. 

She's also mimicking quite a bit more. Everyone pats her back when they hold her, and gives her kisses. My favorite is when she does it back to us. Her version is a really aggressive pat, some could call it a hit, while making kissy sounds. So funny. 

She has more words for us now: up, hi (with a huge wave, sometimes two handed), and no. No is a full body response, usually related to food- no, no, no, no. Poor girl, I bust out laughing everytime she does that one. 
She also loves saying night, night Dada, when Conan puts her down for a nap. She loves to snuggle with him. 

She loves to play with her barn animals, dolls, and in the play kitchen. She's still a pretty terrible sleeper, but I stopped nursing her in the middle of the night, so maybe we're making some progress? 

Her brothers adore her, and she loves to make them laugh. They are quite the team. The other day we let them eat dinner in front of the baseball game. Audrey was sitting with me, and then scootched down so she could sit on the floor right between Bryce and Chris. It was such a sweet picture of what's to come with these guys. I love their sibling bond!

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