Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bryce's 4 Year Stats

Bryce had his pediatrician appointment last Wednesday and did great! He's 42" long (85%tile) and 40# (80%tile). He answered all of the pediatrician's questions and I basically just had to sit there and watch. He's so funny that it really was an entertaining appointment, and no shots!! We got a Frosty to celebrate!
I have a few Bryce stories to share while I'm here...
I was talking to Bryce about how nice people were to send him presents for his birthday, and he said, "God must have given me my present early." I asked him what it was, and he said, "Audrey." 

We were getting ready to walk out the door to get Chris from school. I was putting my shoes on, and Audrey was a little fussy in the car seat. Bryce went over to talk to her and said, "Don't worry, I'm your brother and I'll take care of you. I can do anything for you. Well, I can't give you milk." He lifted his shirt all the way up, and said, "See, I don't have any boobs".

One more. We were having our parent teacher conferences, and Chris was telling us everything he thought we should discuss. We then asked Bryce if there was anything he wanted us to discuss with his teacher. His response? "Well, you could talk about how I'm so nice to Jacob, and Jacob's so nice to me".

Seriously, we just love Bryce to pieces.

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