Whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner, if I ask Bryce what he wants to eat he says Mac & cheese. We're trying to work on his eating habits. He's making good strides with cooked vegetables, but he still refuses every. single. fruit. Unless it's puréed. He drinks smoothies like they're going out of style. You will be a good eater one day, BMC!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Snow day!
Last week we had a warm (for us) day. It got up to 36 degrees, so we were able to get some good outside time. Bryce likes to sit in one spot and throw snow at us.
Chris loved sledding.

Here's our snowman! Love this city when it's not -22!
Gingerbread house
Chris update
Chris is doing great at his new school this year. We love the people and teachers there. He had a play date last week with one of his buds. Hard to beat donuts, right?
A little basement air hockey...
Here's a pic of his latest writing paper. His handwriting has improved immensely since the start of the school year. So proud of this little guy!
We had a nice low key Thanksgiving here in Minne this year. Chris' class put on the Thanksgiving story the day before the break started. It was a full 30 minutes of Pilgrims and Indians. Pilgrims were dying and coming back as Indians, it was intense. But, the Thanksgiving message was very clear, and there was a big feast at the end.

The day before Thanksgiving we decided to do all of our feast shopping. I was prepared for it to be intense since I waited until the last minute. I brought our the big guns. Apple fritters. They kept these two happy for quite a while. Luckily we went early and beat most of the crowds.
This was grocery store round 2, with the fancy carts. People were a little on edge at this point, including my two angels. And myself.

We got this brochure in the mail the other day. Conan asked Bryce what the picture was. He said, "That's me, and I'm about to eat that fish". Kind of, Bryce.
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