Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Bryce!

Dear Bryce.

Happy 2nd birthday to you! I can't think of any other way to describe you, but pure joy. You have blessed us beyond words over these past two years. We have so much fun with you. It's amazing how easy it is to make you laugh, but also how easy it is for you to make us laugh. You make the funniest little jokes, faces and dances.

What are you up to at the age of 2? I'm glad you asked. Your vocabulary this past month has soured. You put so many words together, it's becoming so easy to understand what's going on in that sweet little head. You can repeat words now, so we're starting to hear all sorts of fun things. My favorite phrase so far? "Mommy... go, go, go, bobby". Which I believe means, "Mom, go get me some barbecue". Which, seems to be your favorite food so far. You ask for bobby at just about every meal.
I can't wait until you start eating vegetables after you second birthday : ). You're a little on the picky side. You can sense if something is in the fruit/vegetable genre from a mile away, and turn up your nose and say "noooo". Dietitian Mama is cracking down now that you're 2, Mister!

Last week you started saying "I love Daddy" and "I love Mommy". Absolutely adorable. You are also a big hugger and kisser. You love to hug Chris, and sometimes they turn into a little bit of a tackle. You are also all about the kisses. You like to give one on each cheek, and then love to smack a big one on the lips! You really like to play with other kids. You especially want to play with all of the big kids that Chris hangs out with!

It's easy to tell you're going to be super athletic. You're fast. Like not too long until you're faster than mom fast. You still love balls. You still can't say ball (you call them "catch, catch"). You can catch and throw amazingly well. Today we were walking home and you went to the field and started kicking your foot, saying "Catch, catch"(your word for ball). I think you were telling me you wanted me to get you a ball immediately : ).

Sleeping is still not your strongest suit. More nights than not you get up in the middle of the night. It's usually different things that you need. One week you insisted on peeing in the potty. This week? Muffin Man. Yes, you need us to sing you "Do you know the muffin man?" a few times to relax. You're an excellent napper, so I'll give you credit for that one.

One of your very favorite things to do is read. You could sit on the big chair and read for hours. You know some letters when we point to them, most letters are T and B. You can count, as long as we're only going up to 2 : ). Your favorite color is yellow, and you call every color you see yellow.

You really love your brother. It's amazing how you imitate absolutely everything he does. You want to be just like him. Your brother really loves you too. He includes you in everything he talks about. I really don't think he can remember a time before you. I love what good friend you two are becoming. We are so lucky to have you in our family, Bryce!

We love you so much!
Mom & Dad

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