There were root beer floats and a dj with some serious kid dancing.

The next day we went trick or treating in our "downtown". All of the stores passed out candy. Here are the boys, popcorn balls from the jeweler dressed as Dorothy. Life is good.
On the day of Halloween, Bryce and I went to a city wide toddler Halloween party. There were crafts, and they paraded the kiddos around in their costumes. Ironman's favorite was the ball pit!
During the week of Halloween, Conan's office had all of the kids in to trick or treat. They passed out full sized candy bars at each station. The boys have no idea that never. happens. in real life! Here's chris doing a little trading with Dad.Here we are at our neighbor's Halloween party. Too fun!
Bryce got his face painted at school for Halloween. He was very proud of his ghost!
And finally... Trick or treating! I can't believe the boys have never been house to house before! A little different than in the apartment! Our good friends, Oliver and Cora, joined in on the fun!
Lego and Dad!
I told you they like Halloween here!