Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy 4 Little Guy!

Dear Chris,

Happy, happy birthday to you! We are so proud of you on your 4th birthday. Is it just me, or does 4 seem really old? This has been a great year for you. You've accomplished so much...

You finished your first year of real school. You took a brand new school, teachers, and friends head on.     I can't believe this time last year we were wondering who was going to be in your class and what it would be like. Now you're a pro, starting Pre-K in the fall!

You are so nice and loving. You are always telling me "You're the prettiest, Mom". Before you go to bed every night you and Dad tell each other "Daddy and Chris, best friends". You really love your brother. He gets the biggest hugs from you all of the time. You watch out for him too. My favorite was when you guys were napping together in the big bed and you told Bryce not to stand up because he could get hurt. Bryce loves you the most and is so lucky to have such a great big brother.

You are seriously funny too. You're always making jokes that really make me laugh. Today you said you were putting your stuffed cat in the bed. You said, "Oh, I have another animal in here too". I couldn't see what it was, since it was dark. I asked and you pulled out a bag of sunflower seeds that were sitting on top of the pillow. The best part is that you can't wait for the punchline to crack up. We were both almost in tears we were laughing so hard.

We always laugh about the things we say to you that we never expected. "Chris you can't have any more fruit until you eat your bacon" was one of my favorites. I'm also a fan of the stop staring at the book/map and go play too. You are so smart. The things you remember and figure out constantly amaze me. You're reading almost everything, counting to 100+, and figuring out addition and subtraction.

Basically, we couldn't be more proud of you, Mr. Four Year Old. Thanks for being such a blessing to our family!

We love you!
Mom and Dad

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