Friday, September 16, 2011

Bryce is 5 Months!

Pictures are being developed, but here's a little bit of what sweet Bryce is up to...

Bryce has gotten so fun! He is really developing a little personality. He still loves any attention from his big bro. He just stares at Chris and smiles. If Chris looks at him, he starts laughing. He's really paying attention to what's around him now. The other night I had him on my lap when I was eating dinner and he pulled my plate down. (He's strong too). He likes to pull my hair, my shirt, anything he can find.

He also likes to roll. Constantly. You set him down in one spot, and find him in a completely different one. He's very good at tummy time, but he'll only stay for a second until he rolls back over. He "talks" too. He still does his little "Hiiii", and then lots of other baby babble. We can't wait for a Ma Ma or Da Da! He's a big squealer now. If he's not getting attention he can make the loudest sounds until he gets what he wants. Last night we were at a concert in church and I was letting him play with one of Chris' twisty straws. When I went to take it back he started crying- it was the first time he really cared about toy.

We've discovered he's very ticklish and likes to do raspberries all day long. I was positive he was getting a tooth last weekend, I could even see the outline, but nothing has actually popped out yet! We're going to start feeding him in a couple of weeks. I can't wait. Time flies!

1 comment:

Bizibit said...

Awww baby Bryce...miss you guys!