Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy One Month Bryce!

Wow, time goes by fast! Our newborn is one month old! Bryce is still such a good baby. Most of the day he is either sleeping, or peacefully alert. He has found his voice in the past couple of weeks. He's earned the nickname as the squawker around here. He goes from looking pleasant one second to this incredibly loud sound, that I can only describe as the sound a large bird might make. It never lasts long, as soon as gets fed, changed, or held he's good to go again. He's also a big grunter, but he never just cries for long periods at a time. It's great. He's also been doing really well at night. He was waking up one (!!!) time per night. It's so nice to have a newborn and still feel reasonably well rested. Last night it was quite a bit more, I'm hoping that doesn't last long though.

When he is awake during the day he has the biggest eyes. He looks around all over the place, and loves the big hugs and kisses Big Brother gives him. He does well with tummy time, he can pick up his head pretty high now. He may be a little too comfortable on his stomach, lots of the time I'll put him on his stomach and he just falls asleep. He's also really kicking his legs now, and making it nice an hard for me to change his diaper. He hasn't been liking baths too much, but last night he tolerated it without being upset the entire time. He's a great eater. I can't wait to see how much he weighs at his pediatrician appointment tomorrow!

1 comment:

Bizibit said...

i think the pic of him sleeping in his boppy is my fave :-)