Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I've been trying to catch up on my continuing education for my RD renewal, and it's been taking up most of the time when Chris naps. Here are my weekly pregnancy pics though.
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Things are going well in pregnancy land. I had an OB appointment a couple of weeks ago and everything was normal. My regular OB is in my apartment complex, just a few buildings down. It could not be more convenient. But, she practices with some doctors who are farther away (probably no more that 2 miles, but in NY standards, it was a good hour bus/subway ride). It was a pain to get all of the way there with Chris, but it was nice to meet everyone in the practice in case one of them has to deliver the baby. I'm feeling good, just getting big, as you can see from the pictures!
A couple funny Chris stories about the baby. Chris is all about birthday parties now, we have one almost every day for one of his animals. He was passing out party favors (alphabet blocks) after one of his parties and handed one to me to give to baby brother's mom. How funny? I thought we had done a good job explaining all of this baby stuff, but I guess he doesn't think there's any way I could be someone else's mom also. (He does know the baby is in my belly, so I'm not sure how that works out in his head : ). He was also pointing out who different people in a book were to me. He pointed to a little boy and said it was Chris, a man was Dad and a woman was Mom. On the next page he pointed to a cat and said it was baby brother. Good thing we have 2 more months to explain this baby thing to him!
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