My parents were in town in September. The weather was perfect and I think we fit in just about everything you can do in NYC during their visit. We went to a really fun bookstore called Books of Wonder. It's all kid's books and they were happy to let Chris try them out before we bought them. My mom got Chris a Curious George Book and it's still his favorite.
Chris loved the fire trucks!
Here he is on the airplanes. He's such a big kid, riding all by himself!
Then we went to Nathan's and got corndogs!
When the LG went back for a nap with Conan my parents and I went to the Empire State building.
Later in the week we went to the 42nd Street NY Public Library. These are the library lions. Chris found the turtles at the bottom of the statue, who knew? He was so excited! Now that Chris loves turtles so much, we've found that they are everywhere!
Speaking of turtles, here's Chris and Gaga at the Chelsea Merry-go-round, on the turtle of course!
We had so much fun with Gaga and Bob!
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