Friday, August 27, 2010

You know you're raising a New Yorker when...

10. His favorite food is sushi.
9. He finds sirens in the middle of the night soothing.
8. Instead of reading books during church last Sunday, he studied a map of Manhattan for a good half hour (whatever works, right?)
7. He knows subway and bus routes better than I do.
6. Anytime we walk by the stairs to a subway he cries if we don't go down.
5. He thinks the pizzeria we meet Conan at on Friday nights is where Dad works all day.
4. I can count the number of times he's ridden in a car this year on my hands.
3. His room is also our living room.
2. He hails cabs for us.
1. He freaks out when he sees Spiderman at Toys R Us, but gives the random Elvis walking in Times Square a high five.

1 comment:

Mary said...

love the top 10, so creative! lol!