Not sure what I was thinking saying I was going to post everyday in December! We've had a crazy couple of days. Here are the two pictures I've taken so far this week...
When Bryce naps during the week it's usually in our bed. I used to try to get him to sleep in his own bed, but now I feel like I'll take what I can get. He usually just gets about half an hour in before we have to go get Chris for school. He's such a sweet little sleeper! (And yes, that's a star pillow in our bed. We had rounds of pink eye, and I changed pillow cases so much, I don't know who's is who anymore.)

This is from the allergist this afternoon. We were there to give Bryce a trial of pecans. Last time he went in his pecan allergy seemed to have disappeared. The next step was to let him try and eat them in the office. They gave him the skin prick test first to be sure, and lo and behold the allergy was very much still there. Bummer! We were at the office determining this for a good 3 hours. Bryce was such a trooper! He was very itchy, but didn't scratch at all because they told him not to. I had brought a new puzzle along and he was super excited about it. Here it is completed, and here's the awesome new look he gives me when I try to take his picture. I was hoping to celebrate with pecan pie, but we're still a no walnuts or pecan family for the time being. I'll be back to catch up more soon!