Thank goodness this is from a few weeks ago. We made bets on the way home from Detroit last night about what our current snow situation would be. Chris guessed 99.9% gone, Dad guessed 75% gone, I guessed 25% gone, and Bryce guessed 8% gone. Unfortunately, Bryce was right.
At any rate, it's not as snowy as it was in these pictures! This was a day that hit 50 degrees a few weeks ago. We stayed outside for an hour because it felt so good!
Here's Chris throwing a snowball at me. He looks a little too happy about that, right?
Relaxing in the snow.
Bryce needed his fishing pole out there for some reason.

Here they are catching fish in the puddles of melted snow.
Snow angel. Who knew it was possible to have almost too much snow to make a snow angel?
I can't wait to post pictures of us in grass. Soon!!