I missed an 8 month post. It was our biggest month yet, and I didn't have time to write all of the things Bryce did that month, so we're going to have to recap of a couple months here. Bryce started crawling right before he turned 8 months. It is so much fun to see him get around. He's really proud of himself, and so are we! Unfortunately, the first day he started crawling he had a bad cold. He would crawl and just cry as snot ran down his nose. The poor kid was ready, and a little cold wasn't going to stop him. It took him a couple of weeks to get better at it, but now he flies through the house. So fun! His favorite game is "No babies in bathrooms". Which, basically means crawl as fast as he can to the bathroom, while laughing uncontrollably until we catch him and say. Bryyyyyyce... There are no babies in bathrooms (very sternly). Then, he really loses it. He laughs so hard he can barely stand it. This kid is going to be trouble : ). He's started pulling himself up to his knees. Instead of using something to pull himself up, he does this move where he tries to balance on his own. He gets up to one knee and stays there. It's super cute. I can't wait to see if one day he just stands up on his own, or if he's going to start cruising on furniture. (The reason he's in the Elvis costume in the picture is because it was Elvis' birthday that day : ).
He also started talking around the same time as crawling. He Dada's constantly. It's like he has a lot to say, by his expressions and tones, but for the most part, it's all Dada. We're starting to get a little gibberish, which is really neat to hear. Bryce is still a really happy baby. When we're out he finds someone to stare at and grins at them until they notice. They normally give him a "such a cute baby" and make him really happy. He really couldn't be easier during the day. Now at night, we have another story. Bryce likes to either be held while I accidentally fall asleep on the big chair, or cries just about every hour. We have his 9 month appointment tomorrow, and I would imagine Dr. Julie will have a lecture for us and a sleep training recommendation. Sorry Bryce!
Chris and Bryce have really started to interact more. Their favorite game is the laughing game. Chris laughs, jumps, and does anything he can to make Bryce start laughing. Once Bryce starts, they both can keep going for a few minutes. Today they played cars. Chris was taking his car through the whole apartment and Bryce would crawl, chasing it. Love these guys!