We had a wonderful time in TX! It definitely made me remember how much I miss it! Here are the guys waiting at the airport.

On the plane. I don't think Christopher was as tired as he looked in this picture. Okay, maybe he was. He did great on the plane, considering it was 4 hours of being still for someone who normally can't be still for more than a few seconds at a time. He wouldn't nap, but didn't scream either, so I call it a success. We brought out all sorts of new toys- markers, cars, and etch a sketch, even chocolate flavored Elmo crackers!

Here's our 4 generations picture. We were so excited to introduce Christopher to his Great Grandpa for the first time!

Grammy's taking the picture here.

Here's my mom and Chris at church. These are her flowers on the alter for her birthday.

We went to Gringo's (!!!!!!) with my parent's Sunday school class after church. We're all a little squinty in this one, but the food was delicious!

So that's the first 2 days of our trip, 7 more to go : ).